Oh my. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m afraid I’ve let too much time elapse between posts. Has it really been so many months since my last? It can’t be. Yes, time seems to have all but escaped me. Motherhood warps time that way, turns it in and on and around itself until the days and months no longer go the way you’ve always known them too. I blinked, and here we are. 

I have so much to tell you, since the last time I wrote here in this space that it’s hard for me to be organized about it. But I will try. 

Bean and I walked down to the farmer’s market in Broad Ripple today – I know I’ve told you about it before – I think in the post all about that cheeseburger recipe contests I tried to enter, that one time? I wanted to make some sort of homemade spicy ketchup with fresh roasted peppers. Remember that one? Those were so good, those burgers. But they were just as tasty with Heinz, if I’m being honest. The fancy ketchup didn’t really add anything, you know? It was just kind of a timer-consuming lateral move. Remember that? We decided that making your own ketchup falls under the cooking umbrellas of “trying too hard,” and “best left to the people at Heinz.”  

Anyway I ran into my friend, Gail The One and Only, today at the Broad Ripple Farmers Market (I don’t know anyone else named Gail) and we exchanged pleasantries as you do. I asked her about her, and she asked me about me and when she got to the part about food blogging: how’s your food blog doing these days? I did something that I don’t normally do; I lied to her, just a little. I told her everything was just fine but that I was busy working on another food related project – something really big – and that it had pulled me away from the blog for a while.

“Oh, that’s a shame.” She’d said, which I thought was nice. “I always enjoyed reading your posts. If you ever start back up with it again, please be sure to let me know, okay?”

I told her I would, that I’d let her know, but I’d said it in a way that felt empty. There wasn’t a lot behind my words, and I think she could feel that, too. But you see, dear reader, that’s exactly it. That’s the whole problem right there. I think the reason I abandoned this blog one year ago was because there wasn’t anything behind my words anymore. I didn’t love it, the writing and the telling and the sharing and … I guess I lost myself in it somewhere along the way, and that’s why I’m sad now. 

But I’m vowing now, friends, to jump back in. 

I want to re-share some old posts, the ones that I’ve forgotten about, and I’ll tell you about some things that have happened over the last year as well. I’ll try not to forget to remember all the best bits. 

Thank you in advance, for being here with me. Sometimes if I stare hard enough, and let my eyes get to fuzzing the way they do when you don’t blink for a while, I think I can see you there, just on the other side of the screen. It’s nice you know, feeling you there. So, I’m not giving up. 

Let’s try this again.

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