So Delicious! A Perfect Painkiller Cocktail Recipe

Gamechanger Cocktail

I’m sharing my favorite Painkiller Cocktail Recipe today. The Painkiller has got to be THE most popular and beloved cocktail in all of Charleston, SC, thanks to its (rebranded) fame at local BBQ spot, Home Team. I’ve sipped on my fair share, to be sure (they’re delicious). A Painkiller, if you’ve never had one, is a frosted rum-based drink that combines pineapple juice, orange juice, cream of coconut, lots of crushed ice, and a good dusting of freshly grated nutmeg (the very best part).

Painkiller Cocktail Recipe FAQ’s

What is a Painkiller Cocktail?

Painkiller Cocktail

A Painkiller Cocktail is a popular tropical drink made with rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, cream of coconut, and sometimes nutmeg.

Why is it called a Painkiller cocktail?

Gamechanger Cocktail

It is called a Painkiller cocktail because it is known for its ability to relieve or numb pain, hence the name Painkiller.

What are the different types of rum?

Gamechanger Cocktail

White rum, golden rum, spiced rum, dark rum, and overproof rum.

What does a Painkiller Cocktail taste like?

Gamechanger Cocktail

A Painkiller Cocktail is a tropical drink that typically tastes like a combination of rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, and coconut cream. It has a sweet and fruity flavor profile.

Painkiller Cocktail Recipe

What is in a Painkiller Cocktail recipe?

A great Painkiller Cocktail recipe will garner you a frozen rum-based libation that is served best when the temps outside begin their steady summertime climb. This drink transports you * immediately * to Vacationland and it will get you there in a hurry, that’s for sure.

Gamechanger Cocktail

What you’ll need to make this Painkiller Cocktail Recipe

This is one of those, “how bad can it be?” types of recipes. I mean, we’re talking tropical-leaning juices, creamy sweet coconut, and nutmeg for crying out loud! Oh, and spiced rum which is also a tasty libation for sure. You can honestly wield these ingredients however you see fit, and just use my amounts as a sort of baseline. As always, you do you.

Painkiller Cocktail Recipe INGREDIENTS

  • 3 ounces Spiced Rum
  • 3 ounces Gold rumย 
  • 1.5 cups orange juice (pulp-free)
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 3 tablespoons cream of coconut (plus more to taste)
  • Freshly grated nutmeg, to garnish
  • 2 cups ice cubes

Want to keep things even simpler? Painkiller Tips:

Yes, always. Okay, so the recipe calls for both pineapple and orange juices. But! Just know that you can absolutely use a pineapple-orange juice (like Simply Orange) and it will get you to the same destination, flavor-wise.

Also, the classic recipe uses both gold rum and a spiced rum, which makes for a deliciously dynamic and boozy duo, sure. But asking you to purchase not one but two types of liquor to make a cocktail seems silly if it’s not actually necessary. So, please know that you can nix the gold rum and replace it with extra spiced rum (it contributes more to the flavor and therefore matters more).

Keeping recipes as mini and simple as possible is what we’re all about here on MKL, and this Painkiller Cocktail recipe is a great example of something that suffers not at all from a little innocent ingredient whittling around the edges. I do this in a lot of my recipes, both drinks and eats alike. Like in my Chicken Marbella and Chicken Marsala. My take on a Classic Indian Butter Chicken as well, and my quick and easy Bolognese.

Painkiller Cocktail Recipe

How to make this Painkiller Cocktail Recipe

This is a VERY easy drink to make, and my recipe here makes either two smaller rocks glass-servings or one large Painkiller which would fill a pint glass to the tippy top. I’m telling you – the nutmeg absolutely makes the drink. Actually, nutmeg has a way of making most things, I think. Anyway, here’s the how-to.


  1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend oh high until very smooth. Taste and adjust any of the components to suit your preferences (more ice for thicker consistency, more OJ for additional tartness, etc).ย 
  2. Pour into two highball glasses and dust with freshly grated nutmeg all over the top.

Want to make a virgin Painkiller Cocktail Recipe?

Easy! Simply omit the rums and add a nice splash of good vanilla extract to the mix. This will bring some extra depth of flavor that you’ll miss when you take away the spiced rum. This makes a kid-friendly tropical drink that is so fun any time of year.

Game changer Cocktail

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Painkiller Cocktail

Gamechanger Cocktail

Though the classic recipe calls for both spiced and gold rums, you can omit the gold rum and stick with just spiced, as I find it is all that’s needed to nail the flavor in a great Painkiller. Also, a good quality bottled OJ works great (no need to squeeze fresh). Taste before serving and adjust any of the ingredient amounts as you see fit.

  • Author: Lauren McDuffie
  • Yield: Makes 2 small drinks, 1 large/double drink 1x


Units Scale
  • 3 ounces spiced rum
  • 3 ounces gold rum
  • 1.5 cups orange juice (pulp-free; see note)
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 3 tablespoons cream of coconut
  • Freshly grated nutmeg, to garnish
  • 2 cups ice cubes


  1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend on high until very smooth. Taste and adjust any of the components to suit your preferences (more OJ for additional tartness, more cream of coconut for more sweetness and froth, etc).
  2. Pour into two highball glasses and dust with freshly grated nutmeg all over the top.


1. You can reduce the ingredients list by just using 2.5 cups of Orange Pineapple Juice, if you prefer.

Keywords: Painkiller Cocktail Recipe

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