Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! I hope, if you’re reading this, that you’re enjoying a relaxing time/day/moment, and finding a way to kick back a little. This Cherry Limeade Cocktail Recipe will surely help to usher in added feelings of relaxation. It sort of can’t help itself that way.

This Minty Cherry Limeade Cocktail Recipe is just the most refreshing drink, and it’s so nostalgic, too. I used to load up on the cherry limeades at Sonic Drive In when I was a kid, and this grown-up version was inspired by those (if that wasn’t already abundantly clear). So, we’ve got 1. Uber refreshing and 2. Delightfully nostalgic. I can’t think of two better adjectives to describe the perfect summer sipper. But, if you’re looking for more descriptors … I’d compare this to a mint julep + mojito hybrid as well. What’s not to love?

Why We Love This Minty Cherry Limeade Smash Cocktail

“Happy Hour at Home” is a trending thing at the moment, thanks to ‘Rona and our socially distanced ways. As such, I’m happy to offer up some fun, special-feeling libations for you to play around with. Enjoying happy hour at home really requires no more than a custom cocktail (enter this boozy cherry limeade smash), a great soundtrack/playlist, and the right attitude/frame of mind.

That last part can be easier said than done these days, right? I know. But we try. We make do, we make the best of what’s around. And, if you’re anything like me this Memorial Day weekend – we make drinks.

This Cherry Limeade Cocktail recipe is particularly great because it’s so fruity and bubbly, and is all underscored by the subtle sweetness of vanilla – a favorite flavor of mine to be sure. For such a friendly, bubbly little thing, she really does have some depth to her, you know what I mean? It’s true, and it’s why we love this cherry limeade cocktail recipe so much.

Cherry Limeade Smash

What to serve with this Cherry Limeade Cocktail Recipe

We offer up food and wine pairings, yes? yes. So why not do the same for food and cocktail pairings. On fact, it can be even more fun since you’re the one steering the ship when it comes to the mixology. Here, we’re shaking up a cocktail that is equal parts fruity and acidic, and it’s got the requisite bubbles that you often see in a smash. So, here are some food pairings that would be really great sidled up alongside this Cherry Limeade Cocktail Recipe …

How to Make this Minty Cherry Limeade Cocktail Recipe

The “cherry” element of this cocktail comes from a sweet cherry vanilla simple syrup. A simple syrup is something you’ll see in countless cocktails, so a very good thing to know how to whip up. It is nothing more than equal parts sugar and water, cooked until the sugar dissolves. Cool it down and flavor it up to your heart’s content.

Today, I’m adding some cherry jam into the syrup for this cherry limeade cocktail recipe, as well as a splash of vanilla extract. If you already have some other kind of jam and don’t want to buy the cherry – cool. Just use what you’ve got. I’ve done this with strawberry jam, too. This drink comes to life in a cocktail shaker, and we’ll just throw in some ice and about 1.5 oz (a jigger’s worth) of your booze of choice. I make this with bourbon, typically, because I love it, but you could also use:

  • Vodka
  • Tequila
  • Gin
  • Rum

So you see, this is one flexible little cocktail. And that’s really kind of the the point. Not down with alcohol? Just leave that out and you’ve got a super fun mocktail on your hands.

Cherry Limeade Cocktail Recipe

If you like the looks of this boozy cherry limeade cocktail recipe, you might want to check out:

We’ve got this crazy good Cranberry Vanilla Old Fashioned recipe hanging out in our cocktails wing that is truly perfect for the holidays. Signature or themed cocktails are the BEST, and this one is as great as they come. Or, maybe it’s the height of summertime and you want a juicy peach paloma. That would be a fine choice as well, honestly. My Southern Milk Punch is the greatest thing to serve at a cocktail party, as it’s got a little fancy to it, you know? Plus it just sounds cool.


Minty Cherry Limeade Smash

Boozy Cherry Limeade with Mint

Nostalgic, bubbly, and just sweet enough, this is the most wonderfully refreshing cocktail to enjoy all spring and summer long. Plus, you can use almost any liquor you like or have – it works great with any. I use bourbon, but have also made with vodka and rum, and tequila or gin would be fine as well. It’s flexible. Also, you can top with plain sparkling water if you prefer, I just love using a slightly fruit-flavored one, as it adds to the fruity nature of the drink. But that’s up to you!


Units Scale
  • 2 ounces liquor of choice (I use bourbon, but vodka, rum, tequila, or gin also work great)
  • 1.5 ounces cherry vanilla syrup (or to taste; see below)
  • 5 sprigs of fresh mint
  • The juice of 1/2 lime
  • 3 or 4 fresh or frozen cherries, halved
  • Fruity sparkling water, for topping (I use Spindrift – any flavor)
  • Granulated sugar: for rimming (optional; see note)

For the Cherry Vanilla Syrup:

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cherry jam
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


To make one drink: Add some ice to a cocktail shaker along with the liquor, cherry-vanilla syrup (see below), mint, lime juice, and cherries. Shake shake shake! Strain into an ice-filled glass, top with some sparkling water, and add the smashed cherries into the glass. Add a slice of fresh lime, if desired. 

 To make the cherry-vanilla simple syrup

In a small saucepan over medium heat, add the sugar, 3/4 cup water, and the cherry jam. Simmer until the sugar is dissolved, and stir frequently to help break up the jam. Remove from the heat, add the vanilla, and allow to cool to room temp before using. (I usually transfer to a different container and pop it in the fridge).


To rim your glasses. Put some sugar on a plate and run a cut lime around the rim of your glass. Dip the rim into the sugar, coating it all the way around.